



华人博彩论坛致力于为员工提供全面的福利 package that meets the 需要 of both the individual and his/her family. 许多 benefits are flexible and offer choices to meet various benefit 需要.



该大学目前为符合条件的教职员工提供三个PPO计划 和一个HMO计划:两个医疗保健账户(HCA),健康储蓄账户(HSA)和 组织通过 伊利诺伊州蓝十字/蓝盾协会. All PPO plans are consumer-driven, high-deductible health plans. 有一个月刊 employee contribution that varies by coverage option. 健康预防包括在内 at 100 percent (in Network) for both plans.

该大学目前为符合条件的教职员工提供两种选择 牙科计划 伊利诺伊州德尔塔牙科公司. You will have the choice of PPO or DHMO plan designs.

该大学目前为符合条件的教职员工提供视力选择 保险通过 视力服务计划 (VSP).

大学目前提供符合条件的教职员工团体终身生活 insurance for two times their annual base salary 通过 林肯金融集团. 你也可以购买额外的可选保险,最高福利限额 包括年龄限制.


大学目前提供符合条件的短期残疾教职员工 好处通过 林肯金融集团. 这个雇主支付的福利提供了一定比例的收入延续 年 of service, up to maximum income and duration amounts.

大学目前提供符合条件的长期残疾教职员工 好处通过 林肯金融集团. 这 employer paid benefit offers 60 percent of your monthly base salary after 90 days of a disability, up to maximum income and duration amounts.


大学 currently offers eligible staff members paid sick leave. 时间是累积的 based upon your regular and/or part-time schedule.

大学 currently offers eligible staff members paid vacation time. 补偿 假期是一项累积福利. An employee's first day of regular employment at the University shall be referred to as his/her employment anniversary.

该大学目前为符合条件的工作人员提供带薪陪审义务时间,以避免 any financial loss because of such service.

大学目前为符合条件的员工提供最多三个工作日的假期 with pay to attend bereavement services and take care of personal matters related 到 death of an immediate family member. An immediate family member is considered: 父母、配偶、配偶的父母、子女、配偶的前婚姻子女、祖父母、 养父母,兄弟或姐妹. Pay for a bereavement leave will be made for actual 工作损失的时间.


大学目前提供符合条件的教职员工退休福利 通过 TIAA-Cref金融服务. You may contribute a portion of your salary into an individual retirement plan on 递延税基不超过最高免税额的规定 美国国税局. 大学 will match 50% plus an additional 1% for 教师和25%加上额外的 .员工5%. 一年的等待期 所有有退休合同的员工将免除大学比赛 and for those coming from another educational institution within three months.



华人博彩论坛目前为符合条件的教职员工提供学费 每学期最多两门课程或六个学分的豁免计划, after completion of a 90-day probationary period. Spouses and children, who are considered to be dependent, based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student 援助(FAFSA),在员工的一个学期后的第一天获得资格 周年. Part-time faculty and staff who work at least 1/2 time are also 符合条件,但福利是按比例分配的. 减免学费 Policies on mySXU portal 减免学费 Application on mySXU portal


该大学目前招收华人博彩论坛员工的子女 在FAFSA下被认为是依赖的,与其他三个学费交换项目 私立学院和大学. The three tuition exchange programs in which the 参与的大学有:

大学 currently offers all faculty and staff members to join 西北社区信用社. They offer a variety of financial services. 申请及扣款表格如下 available in the Office of Human Resources or at the 新西大学SXU分校 next 到 Graham School of Management.

该大学目前提供合格的教职员工、学生、受托人、配偶 教职员工,仁慈姐妹会和现任会长俱乐部会员免费会员资格 到 香农中心.

乡村别墅厨房餐饮服务提供华人博彩论坛的教职员工 a 10% discount on any purchase made at the SXU Diner or Coffee Cats. 要获得资格, purchaser must present a valid Cougar Card. 

大学 currently offers all faculty and staff members employee assistance. 这 program is a confidential service offered 通过 林肯金融集团 that provides support, counseling, referrals and resources for issues that impact 你的生活. Metropolitan Family Services can help address concerns such as:
  • 财务或法律
  • 孩子/照顾老人
  • 工作与生活的平衡
  • 抑郁和压力
  • 酗酒和吸毒

该大学目前为符合条件的教职员工提供参加的选择 在受抚养人护理和/或医疗保健灵活支出帐户福利计划中. 你可以选择预留税前资金来支付自费医疗,牙科, vision or dependent care expenses not covered by other benefit plans. 华人博彩论坛人数 该计划不能在日历年内撤销,超额供款也不能撤销 被退回. (Please note: if you are enrolled in a HSA, your Flexible Spending Account 将被视为“有限用途”,这意味着您只能将这些资金用于牙科 和/或只有视觉.)
*这 summary is for discussion purposes only. 请与人事部联系 Resources for detailed descriptions of the benefits.

访问就业门户网站,查看所有当前可用的就业机会 在SXU.



Office of Human Resources Purpose Statement

The Office of Human Resources serves in a manner consistent with the Mercy values 以及华人博彩论坛的使命. The Human Resources team excels in service, compassion and respect for all employees and welcomes and values diversity, in all 它的形式. The Human Resources staff pledges to support staff and faculty in their vital role of meeting the University commitment to students and provides creative 为当前,未来和退休员工提供解决方案,积极计划和解决问题.


基于天主教的身份、使命和传统,华人博彩论坛致力于此 to serving a diverse learning community in conjunction with our core values. 大学 属于社区中的所有人,不分种族、肤色、民族、信仰、宗教, 性别、性别认同、能力、年龄、性取向、国籍或移民 状态. Faculty, staff, and students are engaged in creating a climate of purposeful 包容通过培养公平素养和提供有意义的机会 不同的人,不同的想法和观点之间的联系和服务,在寻找 真理和共同利益. 了解更多关于 华人博彩论坛's Commitment to 多样性, Equity and Inclusion.


华人博彩论坛确认其作为天主教机构的地位,灵感来自 慈悲修女会的遗产,并主张其权利雇用那些 subscribe 到 mission, vision and core values of the University. 了解更多关于 华人博彩论坛的使命.


华人博彩论坛将做出所有关于招聘,雇佣,晋升的决定 以及所有其他雇佣条款和条件,不得有任何歧视 种族、肤色、信仰、性别、宗教、国籍、年龄、身体或精神残疾, 退伍军人身份或其他不能作为合法就业依据的因素 决定. Hiring 决定s will be based on the bona fide occupational qualifications 每个申请人. 大学 is committed to diversity and encourages applications from individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Annual Clery Safety Report (ASR) Notice

华人博彩论坛 is committed to assisting members of the SXU community in providing for their own safety and security.

克莱利法案要求接受联邦资助的学院和大学进行传播 a public annual 安全报告 (ASR) to employees and students every October 1. 这 ASR必须包括前三个日历年的校园犯罪统计数据, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus safety.

一年一度的克莱里 安全报告 在SXU上有吗 公共安全 网页提供其他安全资讯. If you would like to receive the ASR in booklet 表格,你可以在校园停车场的公共安全部门停车 5(拨打773-298-3541与校园警察联系). The website and booklet contain information 关于校园安全和人身安全,如预防和举报犯罪, 警察执法权限、纪律处分程序及其他有关保安 政策. They also contain information about crime statistics for the three previous 年.

《华人博彩论坛》的犯罪报告并不严格限于发生在校园或其他地方的事件 在校园建筑和宿舍内. Institutions must include statistics for crime that occur in any of these geographic areas:

  • 在校园里(任何地方).
  • 校内学生宿舍.
  • 校园内的公共财产.
  • Public property immediately adjacent 到 campus.
  • 非校园建筑和由组织拥有或控制的财产 用于教育目的,经常被学生使用,但不是英语的一部分 核心校园,或由官方认可的学生组织拥有或控制的校园 按机构划分.

这些信息是法律要求的,并由圣泽维尔公众提供 安全部门.